Ways To Come Out of The Closet The CORRECT Way

Posted by abramworth457 Admin on

Coming out of the closet can be a difficult thing to navigate. Everyone going through the experience is going through something they've never gone through before and will never again (except for all the other times you do it again, but they're all a lot easier than the first time). In honor of National Coming Out Day we've decided to give you guys some help in the form of guidelines. Here are:

1. Make a Big Announcement
A classic. Sit the people you love down, take a deep breath, and tell them once and for all who you really are. You’ve seen this play out in so many movies that, even though it will still be difficult, it will also probably feel like second nature to you at this point. One and done like ripping off a bandaid then you can get on with your life.

2. Tell People One By One
Maybe you’re NOT a one and done kind of person, and the truth is you don’t have to be. If that’s the case than maybe this slow and steady option is more your speed. Rather than gathering everyone for one big announcement, pull aside the people you want to tell aside one by one and let them know what’s up at your leisure.

3. Just Decide To Be Out One Day
Another option is to just literally start living your life and let people figure out the rest. If, for example, you consider yourself a lesbian, then just start dating a girl. People will put the pieces together and if they don’t….well great! They’ll know when and if they need to know. Until then you can just do you!

4. Do It In A Social Media Post
What is social media for if not this EXACT reason? Take advantage of the fact that you can reach everyone you’ve ever met with the click of a button and watch those likes roll in.

5. Get Creative With It
Yes, it can be scary but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with it. Write it on a cake. Write the name you hope to start going by on a name-tag and walk around with it. Have you ever seen promposals? Do one of those but instead of asking someone to a dance, write “I’m bi” on sign and film yourself holding that up. Whatever you do, if you do get creative, make sure to combine it with #4 and put it on social media. This moment has been YEARS in the making. You might as well use it to try and get to the front page of Reddit.

6. Do It In An Article For The Internet
I’m Gay!
See it’s easy!

7. Write It In The Sky
Okay, so I looked up the prices on this one and skywriting will cost you pretty penny. That said, this is a big moment. Treat yourself! If you have to go into hock in order to have the coming out of your dreams, then I say do it. Just make sure to include your name in whatever message you commission. Otherwise, people will think that the pilot is coming out and it’s just a huge waste of money.

8. Don’t Come Out At All If That’s What You Want
This is also an option! I wouldn’t recommend it but if you would rather stay closeted for the time being, then that’s totally cool too! As long as you’re not hurting anyone like the senator who broke my heart in the last section, then you are under absolutely obligation to make any public declaration about your own sexuality. Everyone’s circumstances are different and if this is the decision that makes you feel more comfortable then this is the right decision for you.

9. Remember That There’s No Right Way To Come Out And Go For It
There are infinite ways to come out of the closet and none of them are right or wrong. Just follow your heart and do what feels right to you. However you do it though, just know that you will be very, VERY happy that you did it.


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